Friday, February 29, 2008

the time is coming for spring to grace us with warm breezes and beautiful sunrises. if you know me very well you understand that i love winter. i love snow, snowboarding and all the other fun things you can do with snow. but every year as the winter starts to thaw out into spring i can't wait to go camping.

i love to connect with God in the midst of His creation. to be reminded of His beauty and love for us. basically every man loves the outdoors and we men should make it a point to connect with God in the most primitive of environments every now and then. guys need to start fires, catch a squirrel or two, carve something out of wood, skip rocks in a river, or if you're the daring type wrestle a bear. that adventurous man that God intended you to be. there are a lot of life lessons to be learned in the wilderness and God is waiting for us to take a break and revive our souls with Him.

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